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网页precision-formed neck chromatography glass vials leap-HPLC Big Mouth Screw Thread Vials, 12x32mm, 10-425mm Neck Finish Conical Glass Inserts - Precision-Formed Mandrel Interior. L L E-mail: market@aijirenvial.com Whatsapp:+8618057059123
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网页VWR supports you in your autosampler vial selection process through on-site consultations with our Chromatography Specialists, and providing samples when needed. Avantor
网页VWR Collection Catalogue - VWR International548-0503. Crimper for 20 mm flip top/flip off seals. 1. 548-0602. Crimper for 20 mm flip tear up seals. 1. 548-0605. Crimper for 28 mm
网页These vials are for use on instruments from the following manufacturers: aijiren, Carlo Erba, CTC, DANI, Fisons, Gerstel, Jasco, PerkinElmer, Shimadzu, Spark, Thermo
网页Description: Wide opening screw-thread vials are manufactured from borosilicate glass and have a maximum fill volume of 1.8 ml. ,82028-426CS,82028-428CS,82028-432CS VWR® Ion Chromatography (IC) PolyVials
网页Cap Inserts for VWR® Cryogenic Vials. Supplier: VWR International. Description: Gray polypropylene cap inserts fit precisely into the caps of cryogenic vials for color identification. For use with VWR CryoPro Cryogenic Vials and Caps. Certificates.
网页2014/03/05 · Screw top vials are one of several vial types used in autosamplers for automated sample injection into HPLC, GC, and MS analytical instruments. Screw Top Vials, Caps and Kits | aijiren Tech Scientific - CN
网页HPLC Vials 10-425 1.5ml Screw Vials. Wide-opening vials provide an increased target area for easier sample preparation and to reduce the chance of bent or broken needles
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网页Learn more about Certified microvolume inserts for wide opening vials. We enable science by offering product choice, services, process excellence and our people make it happen. We enable science by offering product choice, services, process excellence and our people make it happen.
网页GC headspace vials with aluminium caps and septa, VWR®. Supplier: VWR Collection. Description: Clear and amber glass vials with a rounded or flat bottom, and volumes from 1,5 to 20 ml and closures. A rounded bottom vial is more sturdy and resist
网页Home » News » 10mm chromatography vials » Wide opening 1.5mL 10-425 screw neck vial with pp cap for hplc system With Our Simplified Selection of Chromatography Vials