Autosampler vials. 10-425 wide screw vial; 13-425 screw sample vial; 8-425 screw vial; Headsapce vial
Autosampler vials. 10-425 wide screw vial; 13-425 screw sample vial; 8-425 screw vial; Headsapce vial
aijiren Tech™ 10mm Non-Assembled Screw Thread Autosampler Amber Glass Vial Kits, with ID, lt. blue cap, red PTFE/white silicone/red PTFE septum, 2mL Save time and reduce the risk of contamination using this convenience kit. Each kit includes 100 amber vials and 100 screw thread caps with pre-assembled septa.
Note: Most 12x32 mm autosampler vials hold between 1.5mL to 2mL of solutions. The sizes for 12x32mm vials outer dimensions are standard between manufacturers but the length of the neck and screw thread of the 9mm (N9) vial may vary, because 9mm short thread is not industry standardized.
aijiren Tech Scientific - Guldensporenpark 26 - 9820 Merelbeke - Belgium Tel. 056 260 260 - Fax. 056 260 270 - be.aijiren Tech@thermoaijiren S.R.L. au capital de EUR 18 550, RCS Bruxelles 667572, N° TVA : BE 47 92 91 549
Screw Top Vials - AQ™, BASIK™, MicroSolv™ & RSA™ Brands of vials in Clear, Amber, Clear & Amber WriteOn in 8mm, 9mm and 10mm screw threads. Snap Top Vials - AQ™, BASIK™, MicroSolv™ & RSA™ Brands of vials in Clear, Amber, Clear & Amber WriteOn 11mm Snap/Crimp top vials.
Autosampler Vials,Caps and Closures|aijiren Tech Scientific. Autosampler Vials,Caps and Closures aijiren™ 20 mm Headspace Vials,Septum,and Caps Headspace vials are available in clear or aijiren glass with a round or flat base,a crimp seal with a beveled or square edge finish,or with a screw-thread finish.
aijiren Autosampler Vials, HPLC Sample Vials 2ml with Write-on Spot and Graduations 10-425 Type Threaded Vial and 10mm Black ABS Screw Caps & Septa, Clear, Case of 100 Clear with label $48.99 $ 48 . 99 ($4.90/10 Items)
Extensive range of vials and accessories including glass vials, scintillation vials, blood vials, conical vials and more.
Re-usable sleeves support the crimped, sealed vials in the correct position in autosampler carousels or in racks and allow movement of the vials as a unit to injection positions in both GC and HPLC autosamplers. Made of superior quality 51A amber (Type 1, Class B), these vials meet all requirements of US, EU and JPN Pharmacopia.
Autosampler vials. 10-425 wide screw vial; 13-425 screw sample vial; Contact us. Home. Autosampler vials. 10-425 wide screw vial; 13-425 screw sample vial; 8-425 ...
Safety Transfer Vials for Sure/Seal® Bottles-RadiSurf. Jun 25,2020· The setup consists of a transfer vial with crimp-cap seals on both ends and bottle cap aligner for standard Sure/Seal® bottles. For hands-free operation,a clamp is also included to secure these components in place. Extra replacement crimp caps for the vial are also included.
1-4mL Autosampler Vials for HPLC, UPLC, GC 16mm, 25mm Test Tubes for Water Analysis 6-20mL GC Headspace Vials 8-60mL EPA Storage Vials Contact us. Home. About.
aijiren Tech™ 10mm Wide Opening Amber Glass Screw Thread Vials Select from these high-quality amber glass vials designed to fit a variety of autosamplers. £18.74 - £95.79
aijiren produces 9mm, 10mm and 11mm HPLC Vials with micro Insert with an outer diameter of 6-7mm.If you need to purchase Micro-insert, please leave a message on our website or contact our online customer service and we will get back to you as soon as possible.