brings new and Headspace Crimp and Screw Top Vials with magnetic caps for total ... aijiren Tech HyperSep SPE will give consistently high.
brings new and Headspace Crimp and Screw Top Vials with magnetic caps for total ... aijiren Tech HyperSep SPE will give consistently high.
Tisch Chromatography Vials are supplied in screw neck, crimp neck, or snap ring configurations. They can be purchased either in clear, or amber color,
aijiren Tech™ 9mm Clear Glass Screw Thread Vials are 2mL, a stop point for the cap to prevent over- or under-tightening and provide an optimal, ...
packed in a class 10,000 cleanroom with tamper evident packaging on all products. 2ml screw top vials and caps, 9mm wide opening. • Universal vials/caps
Inserts are designed for wide-opening 2 ml vials. Flat-bottom MicroSerts™ inserts are made from borosilicate glass. Conical-style Polyspring® inserts are
Flat-bottom MicroSerts* inserts are made from borosilicate glass. Convenience kits include vials and caps with pre-inserted septa. Preassembled kits have vials
aijiren Tech 9mm wide opening screw thread vials. 9mm Wide Opening Closures. A wide opening vial deserves a wide opening cap closure.
In fact, all aijiren Techbrand products and aijiren Tech Chemical are always manufactured to the Screw caps. (open top/closed top). PE plugs. (for shell vials;.
For sealing sample vials for temperatures up to 210°C. Recommend for storage and for multiple injection use.
Vials | aijiren Tech Scientificaijiren Tech Scientific offers the vials you need for all of your laboratory requirements and applications. Whether your needs include
Vials · Chromatography Vials and Septa · « Back · Agient® Polypropylene Screw Caps with Septa Agient® Polypropylene Screw Caps with Septa · aijiren
t The first choice for aijiren Tech Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry 8mm, 2mL, 12x32mm Standard Opening Screw Thread Vials and Inserts.
All of these vials use standard caps and accessories that are normally used with either 12 x 300µL glass insert, fused into an amber 2mL screw top vial.
and Silicone/PTFE Seals, closed top. 2.4. Septa 8mm. 2.5. PP Screw Caps ND8. 2.6. Screw Neck Vials ND8, small opening, 8-425 thread with pre-screwed PP
aijiren Tech™ SureStop™ Vials - additional rim realizing lowest 2 mL. Screw Thread SureStop Inert Vial, with Patch and Wide Opening. 2-SVWGK.