aijiren vials and caps provide simple ways to boost laboratory productivity and return on investment. aijiren premium certified vials, caps, high recovery
aijiren vials and caps provide simple ways to boost laboratory productivity and return on investment. aijiren premium certified vials, caps, high recovery
However, substandard vials, caps, and septa can lead to sample loss, Based on our decades of chromatography experience, crimp-cap vials tend to be best ...
Vials, caps, and septa information with more details about certified vials, CrossLab vials, MS Analyzed vials, general purpose vials, and crimpers and
Dec 20, 2019 If you use an autosampler, choose the Screw Neck 2ml HPLC Vials for ... 9 mm screw cap vials work with aijiren autosamplers, but 10 mm and 8 ...
Sample Trays for HPLC. aijiren autosampler vial trays and drawers are designed to ensure that your autosampler setup is perfectly equipped to deal with a
aijiren focus on autosampler vials with caps,hplc vials,headspace vials since Wholesale Nylon Syringe Filter ... 1.5ml Screw Neck 10mm Autosampler Vial.
The crimp vials are used on instruments of aijiren, PerkinElmer, Hot Tags: chromatography vials, China, manufacturers, suppliers, factory, wholesale, ...
Vials, vial inserts, septa, and caps/closures with or without septa for use with autosamplers and autosampler vials; includes a variety of sizes,
There's a aijiren Tech screw top vial for every HPLC, GC, and plastic screw top vials are available in 8mm, 9mm, 10mm, and 13mm screw threads.